Musical compositions

Theo. S. (Ted) Davis

Sacred choral music

A blessing  1992; text from United Methodist and Lutheran liturgies, adt.; SATB chorus, S and T soli, a capella

Amazing Grace 1981; John Newton, Early American hymn; SATB div. choir

Charity and Love; 2002; Words 9th cent. Latin, trans. Omer Westendorf; Voice, piano

Dear Jesus, In Whose Life I See 1991; Text: John Hunter; Unison, 2-part, or SATB choir and organ, Published by Hinshaw Music

Easter Anthem 1996; Easter; Book of Common Prayer; Chorus, brass, timpani

Everlasting 1992; Psalm 136; Treble voices, piano

God is a Help 1992; Psalm 46; Treble voices, piano

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 1994; Text: William Williams; Chorus, solo, piano, opt. brass

Here’s One; 1982; Spiritual; SATB a capella

Holy City; 2001; Texts from Romans, Walter Russell Bowie, Albert Einstein ; SATB with organ or orchestra, T. solo, French horn, handbells

How Can I Keep From Singing; 1994; Text of Robert Lowry; SATB div. a capella

I am Thine, O Lord; 1998; text by Fanny Crosby, adt., 2-part choir, piano (or organ)

I’m Goin’a Sing; 1990?; Spiritual; Treble voices, piano

Jesus Loves Me; 1996; Text by Ann Warner, 1860, and David Rutherford McGuire; Tune by William Bradbury, 1862; Chorus, trumpets, organ

Just As I Am 1989; arranged from original hymn tune; Choir, organ

Lenten Anthem 1998; words by Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts; Choir, organ, opt. French horn

Preces and suffrages (prayers for choral evensong) 2008; SATB with cantor

Psalm of God’s Bounty; 1992; Psalm 8; Choir, organ (or orchestra)

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; 1984?; Spiritual; ATTBB Choir

To Jordan Came the Christ; 1992; Baptism of Jesus; Chorale by J. Walther; Choir, organ

Vine of my choosing; 2010; Holy Week; 2-part choir, organ

Welcome Yule; 1987; Christmas; Old English text; Chorus, organ

What Sweeter Music; 1996; Christmas; Robert Herrick; SATB div. a capella

You, Lord, Have Called Us; 1996; Text adapted from the bible, Fanny Crosby, and the United Methodist Service of Baptismal Covenant; Treble voices, piano

Impromptu; 1994; SATB div. a capella

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening; 1980; Robert Frost; SATB div. a capella

The Silken Tent; 1996; Robert Frost; SATB div. a capella

Secular choral music

Carol of the Bells; 1998; Christmas; M. Leontovich; Chorus, orchestra

Hark, the Herald Angels Sing; 1997

The First Noel; 1999

Jesus Calls Us; 2009; Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, adapt.

Jesus Told Them; 1997; Holy Week; Mark 11 John 12, 13, 20; Solo voice or congregation, piano. Published by Abingdon Press

Just As I Am; 1985

O Christ, our hope 2007; Text:  Latin hymn, c. 8th century, trans. John Chandler, adapt.

At the Name of Jesus; 1990; Tune: R. Vaughan Williams; 3 to 3 1/2 octaves

Ave Maria; 1998; Franz Schubert; 3 octaves

Come, Let Us Eat; 199?; Communion; 3 octaves
Hymn to Joy; 1988; Tune: Beethoven; 3 octaves

Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring; 1996; J.S. Bach; 3 to 3 1/2 oct.

Variations on “Innocents”; 1988?; Hymn; 2 oct.

We Gather Together; 1995; ; 2-3 (or 3 1/2) octaves

Improvisation on a Carol (“Love Came Down”); 1995; Christmas; Trad. Irish tune; Organ, manuals only

Offertory: Es ist ein Ros; 1984/1996; Christmas.; Melody by Praetorius Reworked from a version originally composed in 1984; Organ
Postlude: Nicea; 1979; Tune: John B. Dykes; Organ

Prelude: Beach Spring; 1992; Tune attributed to B.F. White, 1844; Organ. Due for commercial publication soon.

Prelude: St. Denio; 1979; Welsh melody; Organ
Toccata: Olivet; 1992; Tune: Lowell Mason; Organ

Psalm 14: God is Looking Down From Above; 1998; Cantor(s), congregation, (organ), piano

Psalm 65: It is Right to Praise You, Lord; 1995; Cantor(s), congregation, (choir), piano

Psalm 105: Sing to the Lord; 1996; Cantor(s), congregation, piano, (choir)

Psalm 130: Hope in the Lord; 1994; Cantor(s), congregation, (choir), piano

Psalm 149: Sing to the Lord a New Song; 1996; Cantor(s), congregation, piano, (brass)

Charity and Love; 1999; Words 9th cent. Latin, trans. Omer Westendorf; Voice, piano

Have No Fear, Little Flock; 1986; Tune by H.W. Zimmerman; Voice, organ or piano

I Am Thine, O Lord; 1998; Fanny Crosby; Voice, piano

Oh Wondrous Type, Oh Vision Fair; 1987; Transfiguration Sunday; Text from Sarum Breviary, 1495; trans. John Mason neale, 1851 Tune: Deo Gracias; Voice, organ or piano

Wachet auf; 1987; Advent; Tune by Philip Nicolai; Voice to sing tune from original chorale, such as in UMBH or LBW; Voice, organ or piano

Suite for Viola and Piano; 1997

Festival carols (chorus and orchestra)


Handbell music

Organ music

Psalms (cantor[s], congregation, keyboard)

Vocal music

Chamber music